Blue Water Iris | Iris versicolor

Pre-Order Spring 2024

Flower Colour: Blue
Sale price$9.00 CAD

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Hardiness Zone:
5 - 9
Plant Type:
Full Sun
Bloom Time:
Jun, Jul


Where Do I Plant It?

Flag iris are happy when planted as a marginal or as a moisture lover. They will grow in shallow (a few inches) water or in the wet soil on the edge of a pond.

If you’re looking for an interesting, moisture-loving plant to add to the garden, consider planting flag iris. Both growing conditions and flag iris care are a relatively easy undertaking that will reward you with beautiful blooms each year.

What is a Flag Iris?

Flag irises are very hardy perennial plants that survive with minimal care and generally bloom in the spring and early summer. Flag irises are most often found in wet, low-lying areas and are suitable for similar conditions in the home garden. There are many varieties of flag irises, including dwarf and tall types. The most common types of flag iris plants familiar to most people include blue flag iris and yellow flag iris.

Blue Flag Iris – Blue flag iris (Iris versicolor) is a beautiful semi-aquatic plant. Deep green foliage and striking blue-violet flowers appear on 2- to 3-foot stalks in late spring to early summer. Leaves are narrow and sword-shaped. There are many species of blue flag iris and native plants are found along the edges of swamps, wet meadows, stream banks, or in forested wetlands. This hardy plant adapts well to the home garden and is very easy to grow.

Planting Flag Iris

The best place to plant blue flag or yellow flag iris is in a wet location that gets full to part sun. The plant can also be submerged in water for a time and still survive. Space plants 18 to 24 inches apart.

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